
FREE Oil Change Bay Rentals During the Month of May 2011

24/04/11 COMMENTS 0

Self Serve Garage is offering our customers an opportunity to rent a bay for an oil change for FREE*. A trained technician will be available to guide you through the process of changing your vehicle’s oil.

Just bring your vehicle, oil, and an oil filter and then use our hydraulic lifts to make changing your oil easy. Our trained technician will also give you advice on how to inspect your vehicle while it is on the lift.

Schedule Your Oil Change Today!

Contact us at 253-981-3946 to schedule your FREE* oil change.

*Free Bay Rentals are available on Thursdays during the Month of May 2011 between 4pm and 7pm and can be used for oil changes only.  This offer is available for appointments only. First Come First Serve. Customers must bring their own oil and filter. This offer is for vehicles with a weight of less than 8k. Offer can not be combined with an other coupon or offer.  Offer Expires May 26, 2011

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